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Wellbeing isn't all-or-nothing, desipite how it might seem. Stop prressuring yourself and feeling guilty when you don't follow the "rules."

Wellbeing isn’t All-or-Nothing! Stop Pressuring Yourself

Wellbeing is a lifestyle, a way of being in your life and with yourself. Researchers from a variety of disciplines continue to discover how the brain and body work and what we can do to optimize our functioning to enhance the wellbeing within us. This information is quite helpful as we work to move past difficulties and create a quality life. However, sometimes it can feel like information overload and be overwhelming. If you’ve ever felt that no matter what you do, it’s not enough, read on. There’s a way past these crushing thoughts and feelings.


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Is Happiness Nothing More Than a Sham?

Much is written about happiness. Books. Articles. Songs. Videos. Happiness seems to be a universal pursuit and one that has existed through ages; indeed, it was a frequent topic among philosophers from the ancient worlds of West and East and has been pursued without pause since then. No one has yet to discover a single answer to how to find happiness. Russ Harris, a important leader in acceptance and commitment therapy, wrote a book entitled The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living. Is happiness attainable, or is it a trap, a sham? Read More...
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5 Mindful Ways to Finish Your Year Strong

Pausing for mindful reflection on your year can help you end 2018 well, content in the now, which will carry you into 2019. In the wake of holiday stress, many people begin thinking of resolutions for the new year. That's a great practice to make the new year yours, as it gives us a sense of control over over what our year will be like. This reduces anxiety, powers through depression, and gives us the upper hand in our relationship with mental health. So don't discard the ritual of creating resolutions, but don't start them quite yet. There's still time to finish 2018 off strong.
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