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How to Reset, Regain Control, and Mindfully Move Forward

Despite anxiety, stress, and chaos in the world, you can reset, regain control, and mindfully move forward. Here, learn practical ways to do it.

Right now, it might be hard to know how to reset and mindfully move forward. There is a lot of hectic chaos happening in the world right now, and it’s causing heightened anxiety and stress. We’ve experienced a pandemic and are trying to emerge yet doing so feels anxiety-provoking to many. Tragedy, injustice, riots, vehement disagreements, strife… these are just a few examples of suffering in the world right now. If you’re feeling trapped and overwhelmed, you’re not alone. It’s a common feeling right now when so much is out of our individual control. Just because the feeling is normal and okay, though, doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to give up or give in to it. Here are some tips to reset and mindfully move forward.

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Guided Journaling: The Pen is Mighty! Write Your Wellbeing

Guided journaling puts you in charge of your body’s automatic stress- and anxiety response. It’s an activity you choose to do intentionally that helps not just your thoughts but your entire mind and body system. You may be familiar with the adage “The pen is mightier than the sword.” While true, that’s not the half of it. The pen is mightier than anxiety and your body’s natural instinct to freak out in response to stress.


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8 Mindful Lessons in Wellbeing I Learned from my Frog

I love to search for life lessons, especially lessons in wellbeing. We are meant to be healthy and well, to create a quality life and live it to its fullest, moment by moment. However, life is busy and stressful and full of challenges big and small. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the downs of life and forget that we can climb up and enjoy the peaks. That’s why it’s important to seize our moments and intentionally create calm and joy amidst the busyness.

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How to Keep Your Wellbeing During COVID-19

My hope for you, for everyone, is that we keep our wellbeing during COVID-19 alarm and fear. We seem to have entered mayhem globally, nationally, and locally. For your own sake, please don’t panic. It’s hard not to be anxious right now, so I want to help. If you’re like me and are very tired of seeing coronavirus headlines everywhere, bear with me. I am simply here to humbly offer some tips you can use to keep your wellbeing strong and live your quality life, moment by moment, despite what society is doing.

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Creativity Makes Mindfulness Easier so You Can Reduce Stress

It’s true: creativity makes mindfulness easier. Mindfulness is a way of being that you develop and hone, and as you do, you begin to experience inner peace amidst stress and problems you can’t control. Mindfulness is a basic as shifting your attention from anxieties and stress to your objective moment (the present moment exactly as it is, without all-too-human negative thoughts and judgments imposed upon it.) The idea is deceptively simple. Living it is often challenging, especially when we regularly experience stress and related anxious thoughts. We need ways to hone our ability to be mindful. One powerful way is by tapping into creativity—and enjoying it. Here’s a look at why creativity makes mindfulness easier so you can reduce anxiety and stress and enhance mental health and wellbeing.


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How to Feel Better About Yourself This Year

Were you one of the millions of people who chose to focus on improving their overall health in the new year but didn’t know where to start? Don’t worryyou’re not alone; in fact, only about 8 percent of people actually follow-through on their resolutions. You, though, do not have to be among the 92 percent that don’t achieve what they promise themselves. You have the power to own your resolutions, feel better about yourself, and thrive. Keep reading for ways to do it!


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4 Healthy Habits for Your Strong, Happy New Year

Are you thinking of healthy New Year’s habits or New Year’s Resolutions? The difference is subtle yet powerful. With 2019 winding down, everyone is on the lookout for ways to make 2020 one of the best years of their life. But instead of taking the traditional route of creating a resolution that you’ll give up on by the time February comes, choose to start creating healthy habits now that you can build upon as the year goes on. Whether they’re bad habits you’ve struggled to rid yourself of in the past or new healthy ones that you’d like to develop for the rest of your life, here are a few sustainable ideas that you can take into the new year:


  1. Take care of your metal health
  2. Eat well
  3. Commit to social interactions
  4. Keep a journal

Here’s a look at how to make these lifestyle choices work for you in the new year.

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Uninvite Anxiety and Depression from Your Holidays

Do anxiety and depression join you during your holiday season? They certainly can hang around for a long time because for many of us worldwide, autumn and very early winter bring a steady stream of celebrations from traditions both secular and religious. This, of course, is generally a wonderful thing. Celebrating aspects of our lives is important for our mental health and wellbeing. It shifts our focus from “to-do” to “to-be,” from negative to positive. Celebrations also have the potential to connect people anew. They also present a plethora of opportunities to enjoy practicing mindfulness. Holidays can indeed be all this. However, they can also be stressful and even painful. Anxiety and depression skyrocket during the holiday season. There are things you can do to uninvite anxiety and depression from your holidays and replace them with peace, joy, love, and light.

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