Anxiety, Your Hormones, and a 15-Day Mindfulness Challenge
The causes of anxiety are complex, influenced by factors outside of us and within ourselves. Take heart! "Within ourselves" doesn't mean that we intentionally cause our own anxiety. It means that there are things going on in our bodymind that influence…
3 Reasons to Be Aware of Your Mental Health and How to Do It
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a perfect reminder to be aware of your own mental health. By homing the mindfulness skill of awareness, you can decrease anxiety and stress for deeper wellbeing. Simply being aware of your mental health,…
Stress Awareness Month: The Bodymind Needs Minibreaks!
The bodymind needs minibreaks throughout the day. Life is harried and rushed, and challenges meet us at every turn. We tend to multitask (which is actually counterproductive and unhealthy in and of itself) and jump from one fire to the…
Stress Awareness Month: Balance!
April is stress awareness month. Quite likely, you are already well aware of stress and you don't need a dedicated month to remind you of it. Many of us would much rather avoid it than increase our awareness--which is a…
Why Managing Stress is Important and 5 Stress Management Tips
While there are many different types of stress and not all are bad, typically when we think of stress, we think of the life-disrupting experience that contributes to both physical and mental health problems. Check out the following excerpt from…
4 Ways to Reduce Stress When Transitioning from Winter to Spring
Each year, the transition from winter to spring is a miraculous occasion, especially if you live in an area with heavy snow or frigid temperatures. As nature begins to thaw, so, too, do many people. This might mean that you…
Teens, Depression, and Out of the Dark
Teen depression adds a dark layer of difficulty to an already challenging time. The Well Beings Youth Mental Health Project shines a light on teen mental health. Their upcoming web series called Out of the Dark showcases true stories of…
How to Be Mindful When Busy: 5 Ways to Be Relaxed When You’re Scattered
If you're busy, fulfilling multiple roles that each pull you in a thousand directions seemingly at once, the idea of living with mindfulness to feel relaxed might seem more like a cruel taunt than a path to peace. For me,…
Manage COVID-19 Stress with 9 Mindfulness Exercises
COVID-19 stress is a very real challenge that can be met with mindfulness. The pandemic continues, and with it, its restrictions and upheavals. There seems to be welcome light at the end of the tunnel now that vaccines are becoming…
How Not to Succumb to Bitterness in Troubling Times
Martin Luther King, Jr. wisely advised us not to succumb to bitterness. To say he faced challenging times, turbulence, and obstacles is a gigantic understatement. Yet he operated out of positivity, light, and deep personal values. To say that we…