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How to Reset, Regain Control, and Mindfully Move Forward

Despite anxiety, stress, and chaos in the world, you can reset, regain control, and mindfully move forward. Here, learn practical ways to do it.

Right now, it might be hard to know how to reset and mindfully move forward. There is a lot of hectic chaos happening in the world right now, and it’s causing heightened anxiety and stress. We’ve experienced a pandemic and are trying to emerge yet doing so feels anxiety-provoking to many. Tragedy, injustice, riots, vehement disagreements, strife… these are just a few examples of suffering in the world right now. If you’re feeling trapped and overwhelmed, you’re not alone. It’s a common feeling right now when so much is out of our individual control. Just because the feeling is normal and okay, though, doesn’t mean that you’re doomed to give up or give in to it. Here are some tips to reset and mindfully move forward.

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Is Happiness Nothing More Than a Sham?

Much is written about happiness. Books. Articles. Songs. Videos. Happiness seems to be a universal pursuit and one that has existed through ages; indeed, it was a frequent topic among philosophers from the ancient worlds of West and East and has been pursued without pause since then. No one has yet to discover a single answer to how to find happiness. Russ Harris, a important leader in acceptance and commitment therapy, wrote a book entitled The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living. Is happiness attainable, or is it a trap, a sham? Read More...
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