Mental Health Course for Kids
I’ve returned to teaching and school counseling to create a course in wellbeing!

Mindful Brain, Flexible Body: Wiggle Your Way Out of Worries and Into Your Life!
This course for kids in grades 3-7 (approximate ages 8-12) teaches information, strategies, and tools for dealing positively with worries, stress, and problems in general. Kids learn to respond thoughtfully and calmly to any difficulty rather than reacting emotionally.
- 40 lessons in 4 sections
- Introduction
- All About Anxiety & Stress
- Mindfulness to Show Up in Your Life and Live Well No Matter What
- Healthy Brain, Healthy Body to Deal with Stress and Thrive
- Each lesson contains 3 videos that together provide over 17 hours of instruction and strategies
- The main lesson
- An exercise review
- A breathing, mindfulness, or yoga exercise
- 72 printable exercises that help kids understand lesson concepts and apply those concepts to themselves
- A total of 50 breathing, mindfulness, or yoga exercises for students to print and collect in a binder for easy use and practice (40 accompany the lesson and also have a video demonstration, and 10 extra appear in the parent resources section)
- Links for parents to additional information

Note: While this course is presented in a way that is understandable and relatable to kids ages 8-12, the information is relevant for all ages and useful for the entire family—kids, teens, and grown-ups!